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Why I buy design

A blogpost I have been wanting to write for a long long time: why I buy design. If you are a frequent follower of my blog or Instagram, you know that we are huge designlovers in our house. It would be easy to conclude that we simply have loads of money and are able to buy it all. Well, sadly, that’s not the case. In life it’s all about choices, and in our life design is one of them. Because we finally decided on what chair we were buying for Mia’s room, I thought this was the perfect opportunity to share a little more about this subject and what it means to me.

For a while now we were searching for the perfect chair for our daughters room. We had a hanging chair there but as it turned out it wasn’t so practical after all. With Mia growing bigger and our love for reading to her, we needed a chair that would be easier to sit in. So the search started and it took me a few months. I wanted something cool, but it had to be practical. It should be big enough to hold a grownup and a toddler, you know. I’ve searched high and low and eventually we ordered a vintage Artifort F588 that is being reupholstered and we can pick it up hopefully soon. It feels good to make a decision.

Buying this vintage design chair wasn’t the cheapest option. I’ve carefully considered all my options, thought about them long and hard and if we looked at all the aspects, we felt this was the perfect chair. Because we really took our time selecting this chair, I’m hoping that it will be a choice for the long run. I love the idea of investing in a chair for our house that’s for our daughter, but looks good in the livingroom as well, or the attic. Maybe it will stand the test of time and it will move on with Mia as she grows older and maybe even when she leaves the house. I don’t know, you never know. But the intention of buying something for the longterm feels good! Very sustainable as well.

A big tip from me when it comes to buying design/more expensive items is to look around in the house and get rid of the stuff you don’t use anymore. I am always amazed at how much stuff I have laying around! If you sell those items, you have your first money that’s ready to be invested in the new item. So for the Artifort chair coming our way, I got rid of a lot of stuff we had but didn’t use anymore. There’s your first €100, or more/less depending on how much stuff you have, haha.

Another big tip is to stop buying small items. If you add up the costs of those, you would be shocked how much it costs you. When it comes to interior I prefer bigger items, so I save a lot of money because I’m not buying new candleholders, vases, kitchen accessories etcetera every month.

Another reason for me to buy design is the sustainable aspect of it. Impulsive buys are usually not the most long-lasting items, so I stopped doing that. With design usually being the more expensive items, I need to think about it more and hopefully this will prevent bad buys. Vintage is always a good option if you think about sustainability, so those are great motivators for me as well. And last but not least: design holds its value much more than non-design items. So if I ever decide to sell it, I will get a large portion of my money back – or even the full amount. Yay for that!

So like I said, I wanted to write more about why we choose design and the thoughts behind it. I can’t wait for the next addition and of course I will debut the chair for Mia’s room here on the blog as soon as we have it. Stay tuned!

Thank you for reading!
x, Marrit

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