And there it is, the last update on Mia’s room! You can find part 1 HERE.
I’ve talked about finding the perfect chair for her room a lot on the blog, cause it was quite the search! Turns out it isn’t so easy to find a chair that will comfortably host a parent and toddler, but we found one. This vintage Artifort F588 is reupholstered in a fabric we chose and as it turns out the combination with her new wall color is just perfect. It’s SO hard to pick out a fabric for a chair from such a tiny sample, but we nailed it. Can I say that about myself? Whatever, we nailed it. It was just the shade we were looking for.

So like I said I thought it was pretty hard to find the right chair. This Artifort F588 has a big sitting area and no arm rests, which means we can sit there comfortable together with Mia, while we read her her bedtime story. I bought it via Marktplaats, from someone who reupholsters these regularly. He did a fantastic job, I have to say. I hope we can enjoy this chair for years and secretly I’m wishing for this chair to survive as long that it can move with Mia when she grows up and leaves the house. Who knows ♥

And then there’s the other side! Here we have Mia’s commode and her wall of books. We love books (see more here and here) and so I love the idea of them displayed on a shelf.

I am loving the details in her room after we painted the walls. The table&chairs set you see on the left moves around in her room a lot, you can see more of it here. She loves sitting there and color, or play with her Ostheimer animals.

So that’s it! Don’t forget to check part 1 for a full tour of the room. We are very happy with the result of our paint job and the new chair. Thank you for reading ♥