I painted our fireplace! Very happy I finally did it, because it was on my wishlist ever since we painted our livingroom pink. I always felt the black was a little harsh next to the pink, but as I wasn’t sure about the new color I never took the plunge. But in these quarantine weeks we sure have time to take up projects like this, so I finally pushed through.
I always knew I wanted a warm shade, and I eventually picked “Vol Kokos” by Flexa. And I love the result! Let me show you the full picture.

I LOVE it! It brings so much softness to our livingroom. I picked this color from the colorcart at home and bought it at my local DIY store. An evening of work, painting our fireplace is so quick and easy. I’m really happy with the color I picked out.

It creates a really soft barrier between the pinks, and as I said I always felt the black was a little harsh. I really like a black contrast, but sometimes it can be a little too cold. This color adds a lot of warmth, and next to that gives me spring vibes. Perfect timing!
How are we all doing during this quarantine? I’m very happy with the projects I have picked up so far in and around our house. It gives me energy, because afterwards you can enjoy the result. If we have to stay inside for so long, we might as well make it the best as it can be. This shade “Vol Kokos” really helps me, with that.

Our fireplace is surrounded by a lot of color. The colorful cushions & lampshade are from Palais, the beautiful art piece by tinystories. I have admired her work for so long and a while back I finally ordered, very happy with this beautiful lady on our mantlepiece. Next to that, I feel it really adds to the softness of this corner.
The beautiful vase is the Kink from Muuto and my blog about it can be found here. I just received it and coincidentally it matches the Vol Kokos theme, haha.

And the last but not least detail I wanna mention; when picking out a color you should always consider all elements in a room. So I did not only pick out a color next to our pink walls, but I also thought about our wooden floor, ánd this piece of art. I checked the shade I was going for with all these, and then I knew for sure it would be a great match. So don’t forget to look around, because a fireplace like this is in the middle of our room, so it will affect every aspect of your room. Hope this tip will prevent you from picking out wrong colors ♥
Thank you for reading and hope you are all doing well. Stay safe!
Love, Marrit